Friday, January 2, 2009

New Pin, new catolog of 09!!! happy new year!!!

the ginger bread man is located at the lodge attic (he is the pin) (is he an edible pin?) and they are storing snow in the lodge attic for February fun upcoming events for february, on the third of February is my birthday and they 4th its my penguins 1st birthday and sometime in March my blog will have been around for a year. I know this is a day late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and the ski mountain and iceberg there are fireworks going off. ok here is the first catolog of 09!!! the secret itmes are the spikester loacted at the red paint bucket by the yellow puffle on change your color page, the spikette located on a blue light on the dance floor page, fruit headress located at the plant pot on the mexican page, yellow scarf located on the orange present under the christmas tree, russian hat on the mountain, red and blue viking helmets located ontop of the tree, pink pom pom toque on the snowman head, and the red hoddie located on a snow flake.