Thursday, October 23, 2008

Global Warming News, Famous Penguins, and The Storm

ok in the dojo i saw U Fride i asked if i could be his buddy no response he was not doing anything so he was probably doing something else.

Wwe Adam was playing with the other in the Dojo (U Fride and Wwe Adam were at the dojo at the same time) Wwe and everyone else was playing a snowball war game.

As it says in the paper there is a storm coming this could be our way of getting the halloween party because G and and penguin interveiwer were saying the solar eclipse will not happen in time for the party (well that sucks). Ok my friend Spoil Pink has her birthday Tomorrow same day as club penguins, she told me her opnion on the strom that Hebert is probably making it but how can a polar bear make something so big? And if he is doing this he is doing us a good favor instead of a bad one, cuz now we will have our halloween party.

Ok i found the emrald all day i was playing treasure hunt the first time on my last move i saw a green thing then the game was over. The Second time on my second to last move me and someone else uncovered half of it and it was game over. The third try i played with my friend Leclercian we together uncovered the Emrald and got the 100 coin bonus this was really hard to do, we just got lucky.
Ok a long time ago Speek started making global warming pictures and Leclercian made them too the only diffrence between the two are the penguins and Leclercian has artistic waves in hers.
Speeks pictures are of the lighthouse (beach) Ice berg, and Cove.
See the disaster that global warming is doing in real life, this is really happening and we need to stop this, if we dont the penguins and polar bears and all the other artic animals will be no more.
So everyone GG (Go Green) Save our world from this disaster.