Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Levels For Aqua Grabber

this is the mAp to the two seas u can do time trials just find treasure, complete without losing a life .
instead of getting a tresure chest u got to get a grand pearl this is tricky because if u touch the pearl he wakes up, so go to the right side were the treasure chest use to be and get the pearl shaped rock go back to the left side drop the pearl rock in its mouth and take the grand pearl. now u just need to get back. this level should be a peice of cake compared to soda sea.

soda sea the plants r very unhealthy go all over the sea to get cream soda and drop it in your net. THIS SEA IS HARD!!! when u get more and more cream soda the sea begins to turn blue again and the plants begin to get healthy again. and there r these plants that block places like were the air bubble comes out. when u get all the cream sodas go to that spot and it will open up. go down the long bath and u come to an opining. go through it but BEWAR!!! the blow fish r there they r a pain too. get through that there is a cave that goes to a cave go up there and get air back. go through the little tunnel and there will be a blow fish and a gigantic blow fish get through them and go down. there is the amythest (thats my birth stone lucky me) go the cabe first to get air back then grab it. i got through the gigantic blow fish but im sorry i cant tell u how to get past the blow fish paradise room were there is like 8 blowfish because i failed and lost all my lives. thats how hard this is so calm sea compared to soda sea should be a peice of cake or else dont waste your time on soda sea because if u struggle on calm sea u will be srtuggling a lot on soda sea. i can beat calm ea easily but on soda sea i still struggled so dont think u will get past on your first try it takes practice.